by Gretchen Cannon | Aug 9, 2018 | Baseball, Basketball, Cheer, Football, Golf, Homepage, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track, Uncategorized, Volleyball
BFI is taking per-orders for fall volleyball and football merchandise. Only available through pre-orders and must be pre-paid. Visit BFI Facebook or Instagram for full pictures, pricing and payment options. Deadline August 15th.
by Gretchen Cannon | Aug 9, 2018 | Baseball, Basketball, Cheer, Football, Golf, Homepage, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track, Uncategorized, Volleyball
2018 BFI membership drive is in full force and the new brochure is available to download now! Join now to help support the 2018-2019 MHS and MMS athletes and help provide them with the the tools to be successful.
by Richland Group | Aug 30, 2017 | Homepage, Uncategorized
We are so happy to announce the date for the Bearcat Bash with Lady Razorback Coach Mike Neighbors!!! Plan to attend on August 1st and buy your tickets now. #bearcatbash17 #bringtheNeighbors #likeagoodNeighborsbearcatsarethere #bearcatshaveNeighbors
by Gretchen Cannon | Aug 21, 2017 | Homepage, Uncategorized
Congratulations to Ladycat Evi Smith and Bearcat Ryan Ozanich for winning the Bearcat Foundation Scholarship 2017! #bearcatproud
by Gretchen Cannon | Aug 21, 2017 | Homepage, Uncategorized
All teams had a great time!! Huge thank you to all our workers, teams and sponsors who made year one a huge success!! #bearcatproud #slipnslidekickball